
(照片攝於Annapolis, MD)

  • The effects of Globalization




  More and more, Business are expending and attempting to complete in a new global market. Borders are becoming obsolete…..and the world is the new target market.

Hundreds of currencies, languages, and cultures are being shard and exchanged…..technologies are being spread…and due to the internet, business can cater to any customer anywhere in the world…..

球化趨勢帶給我們的全然都是好處嗎?隨著全球化交流普及的同時,相對也帶來的許多的污染,溫室氣體的排放造成全球暖化危機就是一個很好的例證。除此之外, 先進國家工廠生產線外包的情形也屢見不鮮,大量的工廠轉移到海外的發展中國家,雖然提供該地區國家許多就業機會,但相對的,也造成先進國家嚴重的失業問題與飢餓問題.......

  But with the spread of technology has come the spread of pollution….and Global Warming. Despite this, globalization does outsource jobs to hundreds of foreign countries….and these jobs are being offered in developing countries where they are needed the most…But when jobs are moved to overseas, thousands of Americans find themselves unemployed…and hungry.


  Previously struggling countries have been given the opportunity to trade freely and profit from their natural resources….but the world’s poorest countries are unable to complete…and continue to get poorer.


  Globalization has brought the spread of democracy…women and other minority groups are now fighting for their rights…and gaining freedom. But some cultures see globalization as an attempt to “Americanize” the world…they feel as if their cultures are being alienated by American influences…and those feeling can breed hate towards Americans and the United States.

球化雖然加速的貨物往來的效率與效益,使人們在自由競爭市場機制下得以享受物美價廉的優質商品。相反的,當許多跨國企業生產線大量外包以壓低產品成本,增加市場經爭力的同時,卻對許多發展中國家造成傷害,也引發許多人權議題的關注。例如這些勞工長期工作環境惡劣  /薪資低廉/童工的運用/缺乏訓練(職場傷害率高)/嚴重剝削/缺乏福利健保機制的"血汗工廠"......(這一點東南亞國家和中國大陸就深受其害)。 

  Other the other hand, Globalization has increased the amount of efficient trade…resulting in better quality a cheaper prices. Some people argue, however, that globalization is making China the new world power….and that sweatshops are becoming much more prevalent…and so is child labor.  But with the spread of labor issues, has come the spread of global literacy….and Humanitarian aid.

以,全球化全然是改變世界的正向代名詞,還是製造更多剝削與不平的根源?    既然全球化是一個不可逆的趨勢,我們該如何做?決定權,就在你我手中!!

  So, Globalization harming our world? Or helping it to grow? Are we protecting our future? Or destroying it?  You decide. The world is in Your hands.



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